2018 Breakout: Male and Female Friendship: Avoidance is Not Purity

Does it seem like there is a lot of gender segregation in the Church...and maybe even in Campus Outreach? Is this behavior driven by purity and wisdom, or does it go beyond what the bible teaches? Come hear a discussion about the ways avoidance of this kind can hurt and confuse men and women, and even miss the mark of what God intended for friendship.

2018 Breakout: Through the Eyes of a Minority Christian

For many minorities who become Christians, they are met with what seems to be a dilemma; “Now that I am a Christian, do I check my ethnicity at the door?” With so much going on in today’s society it is important for the minority to grasp the implications of their ethnicity and their walk with Christ. Come join us as we discuss why its important for you to embrace your new life in Christ and be proud of your ethnicity God gifted you with.