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Staff Meetings

Thurs 12/28, 5:30pm STAFF HUDDLE

Sun 12/31, 9:00am STAFF BREAKFAST

Prayer Room

The prayer room is in the Managers Suite you are welcome to come in and pray anytime. You are also welcome to bring in a student leader to pray together as well.

Staff Responsibilities

Please contact the following staff directly if you have questions about:

Nate Holt: Hotel, Registration, Rooms, getting access to a room
Kris Kersey: Interns, LAVA, Anything that happens inside of the ballroom
Zach Rogers: Coffee house
Myles: Staff breakfast, Free Day
Chris Sublett: Transportation
Jen Barks: Book Store, Craft Day, HUB, Book Store
Nick Stromwall: Budget & Servant Team
Karen Gangnon: Communications & Social Media

Programming: Mike Jackson or Reid Jilek

Making the Most of Conference and Living to Tell about It


How many years have you been at conference  as a staff person?

What is the biggest difference between being a student and a staff?

What is the point of conference?

Making the most of conference: Input personally and Output ministry


Key Meetings to think for:

  • Beginning Campus Time- Inform, get to know you, how to make the most of conference

  • Free Day Meal?

  • 2nd Campus Time-  Campus share time

  • Final morning campus time- eval, calendar,

  • Sitting Together

  • Hang outs after rallies

  • Meals

  • Seminars

  • QT’s

  • Car & Transportation Time

  • Pillow Talk

  • Leverage Conference into the spring term (Bible Studies, etc...)

  • Free Day

  • Final night capitalize on the moment


  1. Please close your computer's, take your phones out and turn them off/over

  2. We have conference because it provides the possibility for concentrated time with students in a very spiritually intense setting.  This makes it a very strategic time (as you all know).

  3. In discussing conference, remember that this is “ON” time.

    • Lots of time around students and people

    • Getting up earlier and going to bed later

    • Maximizing every meal, every chair, every transition, every talk, etc…

    • This is your job so be prepared to sacrifice (sleep on the floor, take the first (or last) shower, not have a good seat, etc..

    • Know the layout of the hotel the times of rallies (i.e read over the schedule/notebook), the people to answer questions, etc…


Ps. 78:72 - With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.
Or it says – with a full heart he fed them and led them with an understanding hand


What are you to do at Conference?

*You can overemphasize feeding and hinder them with not leading, you can also focus on leading and miss out on feeding them well.  

  1. Feed Them

    • Time in the Word together

    • Quality conversations on the travel

      • Where are they coming in at (struggling, needy, full, excited, etc…)

      • Get to know names (Omniscience)

      • Group think on good questions/ travel convo ideas

      • Debrief after talks/rallies/on the pillow at night

      • Think intentionally about seminars that would be good for your students and go with them, don’t just go to the ones you like.

  2. Lead Them (lead by example, lead with enthusiasm, plan)

    • Be aware of new people/those not plugged in already

      • Help leaders think for specific people  

    • Key conversations to have:  KEY CONFERENCE CONVO (WHEN/WHERE)

      • How are you thinking about the next semester?  Changes to make?

      • Why are you at the conference?  What do you want to get out of it?

    • Pay attention during rallies, seminars, etc…

      • Take notes as a model for others (and to help you tune in)

      • Be mindful of the distraction of cell phones

    • Be intentional/think ahead for the free day

    • Plan for meals together (where to meet, guy/girl interactions)

    • Think for conversations about STP

    • Try to get your campus ready to sit together, cheer together, hang out together

    • Think for an opportune time to get key leaders (your D-Group) together

What do you need to do this?  HOW DID DAVID DO THIS?  (FULL HEART, UNDERSTANDING HAND)   

  1. An Understanding (skillful) hand

    • This is simply having a plan.  AK talked about this already.  

    • Take some time to think ahead for your time at Conference.  

      • Key conversations, key people

    • Prep your guys/girls/student leaders to think proactively for being leaders

      • Perhaps call them before Conference during the break.

      • Coming in “caught up” with them frees you for others.

  2. A Full (Upright) Heart

    • Pray Through the people coming from your school

    • Get some physical rest before conference.  

      • Go to sleep early

    • Come in Spiritually Ready

      • David led out of a FULL HEART

      • I’ve been running on the surplus this year

      • It isn’t sustainable or good

      • Have a plan for the next two weeks


Remember that you’ll do a poor job, you’ll wish you did things differently, you aren’t all that:


John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 11  I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12  He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13  He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14  I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, 15  just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.

Jesus cares for them so much better
Jesus died for your failures as a shepherd
Jesus is the one who will shepherd you.

Post Conference:

  1. Get some rest

  2. Don’t binge rest, pace yourself

  3. Pray for your students

  4. Perhaps give a follow up call to a few key students


Making the Most of Conference 2.0 - Grano/Martini

  1. Beware of Comparison and Performance

    • This happens all the more when we are all around each other’s ministries.  

    •  “You got one shot do not miss your chance…

  2. Instead, leverage our team, delight in each other, rejoice in successes.  

  3. Personal Vision at MNYC:

    • We all get “glorifying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world”

    • What about at the conference?  How does that look and play out?

  4. Discussion Questions:

    • What about Conference do you enjoy? How can your giftedness come out?

    • What are your specific roles at the Conference? What things can you be doing before the conference to be prepared?

    • Who are the students coming from your campus?  Are there specific conversations, students you want to study the Bible with, etc…? What do you want God to do on your campus through conference?

    • What’s your conference vision?

  5. Get YOURSELF ready:

    • Meet with The Lord leading up to CONYC

    • Get sleep over the break and especially the night before.

    • Be prayerful.

    • Check in with key leaders or with people who may not come…

    • Challenge student leaders to think more like a host than a participant.

    • Think for your responsibilities: talks, campus times, campus socials, etc…

  6. Check the schedule.  

    • Utilize this and plan ahead

  7. Remember to take notes...even use paper!

  8. Fight to not take yourself seriously - get hyped in meetings, do cheers, etc…

  9. Leverage Campus Times & perhaps a Campus Meal on the Free day.

  10. Maximize Conference After Conference

    • Take some time off - Mandatory 3 days of PTO

  11. This list is your Job Description but it ISN’T your identity!