Matt Reagan finishes conference by covering Matthew 9:35-10:1 and answering the question: now what?
2024 Main Session 4: Hard or Easy
Matt Reagan uses Mark 10:17-31 to continue answering the question: is Christianity hard or easy?
2024 Main Session 3: Is Christianity Hard or Easy
Matt Reagan discusses Hebrews 10:11-18 to answer the question: is Christianity hard or easy?
2024 Main Session 2: No Better Love
WC Garret uses Romans 5:6-10 to explain that there is no better love than the love of God.
2024 Main Session 1: No Better Purpose
WC Garret uses Acts 17:24-29 to discuss our purpose.
2024 Seminar: Love Story (Paul & Samantha Poteat)
Men, women, friendship, relationships, sexuality, marriage, is there anything else that needs to be said to get you to attend? These issues dominate our culture, campuses, and personal lives but often get addressed with either unhelpful critique or unhinged celebration. Don't come for definitive answers but, rather, insights and questions to foster and fuel a conversation that is both important and urgent. God offers us a better story than any other being told, let's see what he has to say.
2024 Seminar: Walking with God (Chase Walker)
Psalm 16:11 says that there is "fullness of joy" in the presence of God. I don't know about you, but I don't want to settle for "going through the motions." Join us as we explore what it means to walk with God in His way, for His glory and our good.
2024 Seminar: Leading in your Career Post-Grad (Matt Cazee)
Hear from a panel of leaders about why the world needs great Christian leaders in all professional spheres of life. If you are looking for a vision of how God could use you in your future career to impact the kingdom as a leader, you should attend this seminar!
2024 Seminar: Talking about Jesus 101 (Chase Smith)
For most Christians the topic of evangelism is the source are the source of persistent guilt. Most of us know that we should share our faith with friends and family but are constantly plagued with three barriers: 1)Motivation: Why should I share my faith? Is is really that important. 2) Method: I want to share my faith but where do I start and who do I share the gospel with? 3) Fear: I want to share my faith but I'm afraid that people will think I'm weird or will be upset with me. This talk will address these three concerns by discussing the character that evangelism requires, the motivation that evangelism requires, and the method that evangelism requires.
2024 Seminar: Discipleship: A Life of Impact (Joe Calio)
What is the vision that Christ has for your life? This seminar is for those looking to disciple others, and for those who want to be discipled themselves. Come and learn how to have a life of impact through gospel-centered discipleship.
2024 Seminar: God's Will and Your Next Step (Tony Dentman)
Life is full of choices, and college is often a season filled with some of the biggest decisions—what major to choose, which relationships to invest in, and what path to pursue after graduation. But how can you know what God wants you to do?
2024 Seminar: Anxiety (Emily Stephens)
Rest is something God invites us into, but do we really even know what rest is? Let's learn how to quiet our minds and stop carrying more than we ought by seeing what Biblical rest for our soul looks like.
2023 Session 6: Small Decisions and Great Destinations
Matt Bradner uses Matthew 13:31-32 to show that decisions that may seem insignificant can lead to great destinations or great destruction. Therefore, it is important that we actively take steps closer to God, rather than away.
2023 Session 5: Leaving a Legacy of Spiritual Impact
Matt Bradner uses Matthew 28:18-20 to examine The Great Commission and to explain Christians’ spiritual calling to make disciples.
2023 Session 4: Cultivating What is Unique to You
Matt Bradner uses Psalms: 133:1-3 to demonstarate how God has purposed us to be good Christian teammates that together make up a great team.
2023 Session 3: Living in Light of the Gospel
Nate Bishop uses Romans 12:1-8 to explain how God has, is, and will continue to work in our lives.
2023 Session 2: No Excuses
Nate Bishop uses Romans 3:9-20 to explain that because all have sinned against God, all are accountable to God.
2023 Session 1: The Gospel is Good News Everyday
Nate Bishop uses Romans 1:8-17 to explain how the gospel is good news always. He explains how the Gospel never disappoints, always saves, radically transforms, and fully sustains.
2023 Seminar: Christianity 101 (Christian Barrett)
If you're coming to the New Year's Conference and have expressed barriers to believing in the Christian faith, or, if you are a believer but have doubts that feel difficult to overcome, this seminar will take time to engage with a few common barriers to belief, and hopefully, find the truth to help with overcoming your barriers to belief and persistent doubts.
2023 Seminar: Church and the College Years (Andrew Vandermass)
As a Christian you are welcomed into the family of God. While that truth connects us with believers all over the world, it is given particular expression in the local church for the benefit of every believer — including college students. Being a part of a local church is an incredible resource for you now, and learning to appreciate this resource during the college years will help prepare you for the post-college years when ongoing community and discipleship are critical! Join us as together we seek to appreciate the gift of a local church family.