To be discipled by Jesus is to learn from him, and by his grace to become like him. But what role do others play in my discipleship, and what role is Jesus calling me to play in the discipleship of others? Let’s learn together from Jesus, as he shows us what impact could be produced from a lifelong pursuit of discipleship for ourselves and for others.
2023 Seminar: Evangelism (Blake Buckman)
In Luke chapter 5 we see a story of four friends trying hard to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing. They're so desperate, they're willing to rip the roof of a house off for their buddy to encounter Jesus. They end up receiving so much more than they anticipated. Do you have a desire for your friends to know Jesus like these guys? Come hear about why God wants to use YOU for evangelism and learn about some practical and simple ways to share your faith with your friends. Let's be willing to rip off the roof to get even one person to Jesus.
2023 Seminar: Friendship (Ashley Scruggs)
Could I really be making decisions right now about friendship that would change the rest of my life? What messages do I get from the culture that are spot on about God’s design for healthy friendships? Anything better that God offers?
2023 Seminar: Security and Shame (Stefan Sauder)
A secure identity. We all want one, but struggle at having one. The greatest barrier to a secure identity is something we talk little about...our shame. Come learn how to function out of a secure identity in Christ by dealing with your shame.
2023 Seminar: Making Decisions (Andy Hardin)
Why is decision making so hard? What are some practical steps I can take to make wise decisions? We all need help in making decisions. In this seminar, we will answer the questions above by giving you a Biblical perspective on decision making. If you need help in making hard decisions, this is the seminar for you!
2023 Seminar: Making a Difference: How College Students Can Change the World (Tony Dentman)
Discover how college students can change the world by being purposeful leaders. This seminar will help you understand the link between self-discovery and lasting impact, so you can create a legacy that inspires future generations.
2022 Session 5: The Plan for God's Mission
Will Witherington uses Romans 8:19-21 to help us understand The Plan for God's Mission.
2022 Session 4: The Scope of God's Mission
Will Witherington uses Revelation 5:1-14 to help us understand The Scope of God's Mission.
2022 Seminar: Autonomy, Myself, and I
Taylor Swift did a commencement speech at NYU in 2022 in which she told them, “It can be really challenging to figure out who you are on a particular day as you are figuring out where you want to go. I have good news, It’s totally up to you. I have terrifying news, It’s totally up to you.” Ever feel pressure to validate yourself, follow your heart, figure out who you are, do anything you put your mind to, or any of a dozen other popular mantras? Let’s think about the good, the bad, and the impossibility of it all.
-Paul Poteat
2022 Seminar: Leadership That Matters
Tony Dentman is a speaker, author, as well as a life and fundraising coach. He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Funding Tribe Foundation (2018). He is passionate about leadership, diversity, and fundraising, and has a career history of coaching and equipping team members to excel and grow into roles of expanded scope and responsibility. He has over 14 years of experience as a fundraising coach and has trained hundreds of leaders.
2022 Session 3: God's Perfect Joy is Reserved for Forgiven People, Not Perfect Ones
John O takes us through Psalm 32:1-11 to help us understand that God's Perfect Joy is Reserved for Forgiven People, Not Perfect Ones.
2022 Seminar: Identity: Who Are You?
Who do you say you are? Who does God say you are? Understanding how to align these two answers may matter more than anything else.
-Chase Smith
2022 Seminar: Prioritizing the Church in College
A Christian without a church is a Christian skirting with trouble. College students are often a lost generation in the church as many students skip or pull away from the church throughout college and years after. However, this is not as the Christian life was intended to be. Attend this seminar to discover why the local church should be prioritized during your time in college and beyond.
-Jym Gregory
2022 Seminar: Dealing with Everyday Anxiety
Anxiety cannot be avoided. We need some coping tools as we face this everyday challenge. Learn about practical ways God has designed us to resist being overcome.
- Samm Poteat & Elisa Horning
2022 Seminar: I Am Struggling with _____. Can I Still Be a Christian?
We all struggle to fight sin and to develop our character! The Bible is clear on direction of what it means to fight our sin and what it means to be a Christian. This seminar will discuss what the Scripture teaches in regard to struggling with sin and what it means to follow Christ!
-Andy Hardin
2022 Seminar: My Friends and My Jesus
Why is it so uncomfortable to witness to our loved ones? It can be intimidating to discuss Jesus; however, we want to do everything we can to make sure that our loved ones have heard the good news of the Gospel. Sharing the Gospel is an act of love and courage because we care about the eternal destiny of our friends. Join us as we learn to share the love of Jesus with our friends and family.
-Kenny Hayes
2022 Session 2: God's Choice of Us, In Christ, Frees Us From the Past's Chokehold
John O takes us through Ephesians 1 to help us understand how God's Choice of Us, In Christ, Frees Us From the Past's Chokehold.
2022 Session 1: It's God's Business to Make Beauty Out of Chaos
John O takes us through Genesis 3 to help us understand how It’s God's Business to Make Beauty Out of Chaos.
2021 Breakout: “Can I _____ and still be a Christian? Why character matters!”
Is Christianity all about what I can and can’t do? Is the way I live my life as important as what I believe? Does God really care about my day to day activities and decisions? These questions and others will be addressed in this seminar! The goal of this seminar is for you to walk out encouraged in your faith and desire to walk with God for a lifetime full of joy! I am truly excited to share with you why your character matters to God!
-Andy Hardin
Want to look over notes you missed?
Character Seminar Notes HERE
Character Seminar Slides HERE
Seminar Handout HERE
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2021 Breakout: Prioritizing the Church
A Christian without a church is a Christian skirting with trouble. It is common to refer to college students as a lost generation in the church’s life. Many students choose to skip or pull away from the church throughout college and even the years after. However, this is not as the Christian life was intended to be. Now is the time to commit to gathering together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Attend this seminar to discover why the local church should be prioritized during your time in college and javascript:noop();beyond.
-Jym Gregory
Audio not available