2019 Breakout: Masculinity and the Intention of God

When we hear the word ‘masculinity', it often conjures up images of men who are muscular, rude, and perhaps a little stubborn. Some celebrate this as true masculinity. American pop culture is (rightly) shifting away from this view, but now masculinity is seen as a dangerous social construct that should be minimized. But is that how God intended it? What does it really mean to be a man created in the image of God? This seminar looks at God’s design in creating men, what it means to live out of this design, and how to create a culture where both masculinity and femininity are celebrated. 

Note: We think that a better understanding of masculinity and femininity results in a greater understanding of God’s heart and greater love and friendship between genders. This talk is meant to be paired with the seminar on femininity, so students are strongly encouraged to attend both!

—Zach Simmons