Eric Lonergan

2019 Breakout: To Be Seen

Some of us are familiar with theological categories that help explain what is wrong with the human condition and how redemption happens in our lives. Do you ever wonder how psychology intersects with these concepts? Come and hear from Elisa and Eric about their pursuits of how people change by combining the perspectives of theology and psychology.

—Eric Lonergan & Elisa Horning

2016 NYC - The Paradox of Pain by Eric Lonergan

Have you ever been so disappointed in life that you wondered if it was even worth living?  Unfortunately, there's no escaping the reality that the world and people living in it are broken.  What if pain opened a door to something otherworldly, something beautiful, something glorious?  Whether you've tasted deep disappointment or not this seminar will help point you toward a hope that does not disappoint. 

2015 NYC - Talking about Jesus with People Who Don't Want To by Eric Longergan

Jesus is becoming increasingly unpopular and misunderstood in American culture.  Many people have grown up with little to no familiarity with church, Christianity, or Jesus.  In addition to this, many people are believing that to even disagree about something is to be intolerant.  How do we share the gospel message in what many call a Post-Christian culture?  If that's a question you're asking, come and find out more in this seminar. 

2014 NYC Breakout - Hard Knocks and Soft Hearts

Breakout Seminar, "Hard Knocks and Soft Hearts" by Eric Lonergan on December 29th, 2014 at the Campus Outreach Milwaukee New Year's Conference

Whether it’s death, divorce, conflict, abuse, or the absence of a parent, brokenness comes in many forms in the context of our families. How do you respond to brokenness in your family? It’s either hardening you toward God and others or softening you. Come and hear a better way of dealing with life’s hard knocks.