2016 NYC - Jan 1 Morning Rally by Eric Russ

In the final rally of the All In Conference, we are privileged to hear from Eric Russ on his thoughts about leaving a legacy in the form of discipleship. Again using his theme verse from the end of Matthew, and II Tim. 2:2, we learn that God’s method to win the world is for his followers to become a “multiplying people”.

What does it mean to multiply? Eric’s definition is helpful:

“Pouring into men and women who are growing prayer, the Word, de-mythologizing their hearts, walking by faith, proclaiming the gospel in word and deed, and multiplying [their] faith.”

This is practically pursued through the reading of God’s word, ministry, and relationship with other people. If one or two of these disciplines is emphasized in the process of multiplication, then the quality of the discipleship will be less.

Flawed theology, an unhealthy view of intentionality and commitment, the lack of appeal, a self-centered gospel, and the fear of failure are five reasons that could keep Christians from discipleship. Eric works through each of these and aims to encourage the hearts of the audience in multiplying their lives, despite those hindrances.

2016 NYC - What is God's Will for My Life by Mike Caponigro

It is God's will for you to read this paragraph. Yes, I'm talking to you. What are the odds that you would that you would just happen to be reading it? If you do not come to this seminar there is a good chance that you will miss God's will for the rest of your life. To set the record straight, everything I just said is false. I have no idea if it is God's will for you to listen to this seminar, but it could be a good idea. Can we even know what God's will is for our lives? This question we will seek to answer.

2016 NYC - When You Grip Your Phone, Does Your Phone Grip You by Jeff Beckett

Today we have instant access to unlimited information, constant entertainment, and effortless connection to friends with the multiple devices we carry anywhere. With great power comes great responsibility, and infinite potential to temptation as we look to technology to satisfy us... we often spend hours thumbing through our phone before we even realize it. But we need something deeper than a list of do's and don'ts to navigate technology's affect on our lives.

2016 NYC - The World in Your Classroom By Nick Setterington

Universities all over the world are targeting global economies by promoting international education, and this means that internationals are sitting in your classes, teaching your lectures, and leading your university's research programs. Join us as we explore the amazing opportunities God is giving us through our universities to spread the gospel to the nations.

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2016 NYC - The Paradox of Pain by Eric Lonergan

Have you ever been so disappointed in life that you wondered if it was even worth living?  Unfortunately, there's no escaping the reality that the world and people living in it are broken.  What if pain opened a door to something otherworldly, something beautiful, something glorious?  Whether you've tasted deep disappointment or not this seminar will help point you toward a hope that does not disappoint. 

2016 NYC - Sharing the Gospel: Why is it so Difficult? By Kenny Hayes

Evangelism is often the thing all Christians know they should do but seldom actually follow through on. Come hear what separates the stories of success and defeat from the past 15 years of my journey as a witness for Christ. Our prayer is that you too can get over the "evangelism hump" to be used by God in amazing ways.

2016 NYC - Evening Rally Dec 31 by Eric Russ

Evangelism is considered to the way that God reveals Himself in the present context. In his third talk, Eric proposes that it should even be considered a spiritual discipline, such as Bible reading, or prayer. Just like other spiritual disciplines, evangelism is found to be sufficient in knowing God and loving him more, and it is not divorced from the gospel--rather, all about it! It is also a means to know God, and not an end in itself.

In light of the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20), we are reminded of the story of Israel, how they were called to be a light to the nations, and how, instead, Jesus fulfilled that himself. We now, as believers in him, get a chance to retell his story to those that are in this world.

Not only is it a commandment, but Eric argues for the personal benefits of sharing the gospel with others, like building up faithfulness in us and causing us to be assured in the good news.

He encourages us to work the discipline like a muscle and move in faith, trusting that God will give us discernment and growth. Before ending, the audience is encouraged to fight against typical reasons that Christians do not evangelize. These include (lack of) opportunity, accountability, and growth. To combat these difficulties, Eric gives advice and encouragement for each.

2016 NYC - Maximizing Singleness by Connor Dimick

Ever feel like singleness is a curse?  Just can't wait to find the person whom you'll be spending the rest of your life with?  In Christian circles can be easy to feel like life doesn't fully "begin" until you're married.  In this seminar, we'll be taking an honest look at singleness and how to maximize your years of 'flying solo.'

2016 NYC - Can You Feel the Love by Larry Martini

No, this is not another relationships talk.  Instead, it is about you and God.  If the Gospel is the best news in the world, why doesn't it feel like it?  Maybe you understand the truths about Christianity but feel like you're missing something?  If this is you, you are not alone.  This seminar is help for those who struggle to align their feelings and find joy in what they know to be true. 

2016 NYC - Addictions: A Worship Problem with a Gospel Hope by Jonathan Saunders

Who is an addict?  At first answer seems obvious.  Addicts are those who gamble, drink and do drugs.  But the Bible expands the definition of an addict.  According to the Bible an addiction is misplaced worship, not simply a chemical imbalance.  This seminar will go deeper than most pop-culture seminars on addiction, examining the whole person-- heart, mind and soul, as well as the Christian hope offered to all who are stuck in addictions. 

2016 NYC - Depression: Its Causes and Cures by Mike Jackson

Any way you slice it, depression present a challenge in the life of those it visits.  It is often a challenge to know why one is depressed; challenging to know why it won't go away and challenging to determine why it is getting worse or how it is affecting you or how to get rid of it. We hope to address these issues with the hope that people suffering from depression will leave with just that...hope. 

2016 NYC - Morning Rally Dec 31 by Eric Russ

Community continues its theme at the All In Conference, this time with our second speaker, Eric Russ. Starting out with Matthew 28:18-20, Eric discusses some themes of the verse, which include truths like 1) Jesus is the King, and 2) He is empowering us to be His “sent” people. In other words, our mission, based on these verses, is to make Jesus’ name known among the whole world.

In light of the topic of Community, there are two main postures Eric talks about that are common among Christians. The first is Individualism (or Independence), where one feels the freedom from any outside control, no accountability, and a sense of triumphalism (excessive exultations of achievements). The second posture is Codependence. This is where an individual refuses to have their identity informed until it is done so by a certain community. The aim of a healthy Christian community, however, is to avoid these two postures and have a stance of Interdependence. This implies that the whole community is informed by and utterly dependent on Christ.

Finally, Eric ends the message by discussing two ways to avoid unhealthy community. That is, firstly, embrace one’s creaturely identity. Eric states, “God is the bomb, and you are not!”. Secondly, retell the Trinity’s relationship, and model Christian community after its sameness and perfect love.

2016 NYC - Ethnic Diversity By Eric Russ

From his perspective, Eric tells about the racial tensions in our country, and the theology behind reconciling and loving across differences. A truth to remember during this talk is that all Christians have an opportunity in this day and age to remind others of reconciliation in Christ with him and others.

Ephesians 2:13-17 points to Jesus’ desire to be made “one man” that breaks down the walls of hostility between different groups of people, making one body under his Lordship. This implies that when one part of the body is hurting, then another part should naturally be hurting. Eric challenges the audience by saying that when there is injustice done to the body of Christ, it is our problem to deal with.

The practicals that the audience is left with are prefaced by the question, “How do we Love Across Difference?” To apply it, inward assessment is necessary to consider who our “others” are, and what our narrative is. Assessing our thoughts on this subject with those two points will help us in being a loving and reconciling body in the context of racial tensions.

2016 NYC - Evening Rally Dec 30 by Joe Rigney

For his final talk for the CO All In Conference, Joe Rigney walks his audience through the fourth chapter of Genesis. Presenting an interesting twist on the story of Cain and Abel, Joe talks about the presence of “mimetic desire” between two individuals. Mimetic desire is a phrase used to describe the desire that one has for an object, based on the sole reason that a model (or another individual) desires it.

In its positive form, mimetic desire is a kind of bond that friendships can be based upon. The desire for the object is multiplied by the friend’s desire for it, and the friendship with that person grows. In its negative form, this kind of wanting usually has very little to do with the actual object, but the social stigma behind having the object.

Joe argues that negative mimetic desire is what Cain was displaying when he wanted God’s acceptance, did not receive it, and ultimately killed his brother, Abel, because of it. To further his point, he applies this to relationships within Christian community.

The challenge for us is distinguishing why we desire what we do. Are we wanting God because of the community we are in, or somebody else wants him? Are we content when good things happen to our friends or rivals? Through these challenges, we are reminded of the gospel, that God’s acceptance frees us from following suit to please others or desire things because of others.